The Must-Have Tool for Every Lash Artist: The Hygrometer

The Must-Have Tool for Every Lash Artist: The Hygrometer

Nov 07, 2023Emily Dowling

Hey there, Lash Pros!

We're all about crafting the perfect flutter for our clients, aren't we? But here's the thing – getting that impeccable set of lash extensions isn't just about your technique. It’s also about where you work. Yes, I'm talking about your room conditions. Temperature and humidity – these invisible elements can make or break your application game.

Why You Can't Ignore Humidity and Temperature

Imagine you’re an artist. Your glue is your paint, and your brush? It’s gotta move smoothly. For that, your paint – or in our case, lash adhesive – needs to be just right. Not too thick, not too runny. And guess what controls this? You got it – the temperature and humidity of your workspace.

What Happens When Conditions Aren't Right?

Too Dry (under 45% humidity) – Your adhesive is drying very slowly, when placing the lashes they tend to fall out of place and tilt to the side, and you are noticing lots of stickies. 😱

Too Wet (over 70% humidity) – Your adhesive dries extremely fast, you are noticing lashes popping right off after placing them or when brushing them.

Too Hot (over 24C) - Your adhesive changes in consistency, it becomes very thin, like water. 

Too Cold (Under 21C) - Your adhesive changes in consistency, it becomes very thick like syrup.

Adjusting Your Workspace for Perfect Lash Conditions

Low Humidity (under 45%) and temperature ( under 21C)

  • The Issue: Glue is too thick, drying slowly, stickies.
  • The Fix: Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air. Keep it running until you reach the optimal range. You can also consider placing a damp sponge or wet towel in the room to help increase moisture levels naturally. (if room is small). You can also try to using an alcohol based primer to speed up the glue, and reapply to the unlashed lashes every 20 minutes. Use less glue.

High Humidity (over 70%) and Temperature ( over 24C)

  • The Issue: Glue dries too quickly, lashes popping off.
  • The Fix: A dehumidifier is your go-to tool here. It’ll help pull excess water from the air. If you don't have one, air conditioning can also help reduce humidity and dry out the air. Use more glue to slow down the drying speed a little (micro drop). Avoid using alcohol based primer or pre-treatment.

Why a Hygrometer is Your New Best Friend

A what-now? A hygrometer! It’s a little tool that tells you the humidity and temperature of your room. Why is it a game-changer? Because when you know what you're working with, you can adjust. If the air's too dry, a humidifier can add that needed moisture. Too damp? A dehumidifier’s your hero.

With this nifty gadget, you're no longer guessing – you're in control. Your adhesive will work with you, not against you. And that means you can work your magic without those annoying surprises of slow-drying glue or the rush against too-quick curing.


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